How Many Words Can You Learn in a Day?
6 mins read 1/4/2024 Comments (0)
Before we talk about how many words we can learn in a day, we need to get which one is the easier way to learn words because the number of words mostly depends on your capacity. However, it is not a useful way to write words and only read all the time. You need to make it a more entertaining way not only remind easily but also not forgetting quickly. No matter what the language is, the same methods can be practiced in all languages. Within the scientific learning methods, you can ease the process. Let’s have a look at them which one is the most suitable method for you.
On the other hand, let’s analyze how many words you should know to understand dialogues and express your ideas. A child who lives in a related country uses averagely 4,000 – 5,000 words while a person who was graduated from university uses nearly 20,000. However, people who study a couple of years to learn a language are not able to push more than 5,000 words.
But we have a good news, 2,000 words are enough to understand a language. This is a consequence analyzed by researchers in Brown Corpus.
According to the research, learning 1,000 more words after 2,000 words helps %3-4 of the total text more in a related language.
The first question for all is how to memorize words quickly. Scientists believe that we learn emotional meaning words easier so that word games, riddles or movies might be a good way.
Use Wordly
Wordly is a free and ad-free app for people who want to learn English so that you can easily learn new words. The app offers you the translation, meaning, and pronunciation of a word as both English and Turkish. Besides, it reminds you in a day. Thus, you can exactly get it a word.
No matter where you are, you keep learning by Worldly in the metro without having an internet connection, bus, and other transportation links.
The Methods of Learning Words
1- The usage of easy reminding a word
After writing the word that you don’t know, you should first put a word related to it. There is no difference in putting English or Turkish. The word may come from daily life. You can even put a special name if it reminds you. For instance, ‘’ delicious’’ is your word;
Delicious ice cream (if you repeat the adjective with a word, you’ll get it that delicious is something about ice cream even if you don’t completely remember the word.
2nd ex:
The word ‘’Dynasty’’. If you put your own nation’s dynasty, it will be easier to remember such as;
Ottoman Dynasty – means the family members of the Sultan.
2- Set your own sentence
Another method is to use the word with a sentence in the related language if you are able to do it. The advantage of the method is to learn the usage of the word besides memorizing the simple meaning.
Don’t forget to write to each word you learn! Writing is the half process of memorizing.
3- Learning with the synonyms of words
Learning only one meaning of a situation makes your speaking progress forward while pulling you back in understanding because the word capacity of people speaking related language may not use the word you know. So, learning with synonyms will be a great starting to swallow exactly a word. Additionally, the bunch of words consisting of the same meaning is going to get you easily remember more.
Great means ‘’Harika’’ in Turkish
Harika: Great, perfect, excellent, superb, splendid, brilliant, magnificent so that you can catch a synonym word when you don’t remember the others.
4- Check before sleep
The method can be used with the others because of that brain repeats the things before we sleep during the rest. Don’t miss checking the words to improve your memorizing skills before sleep.
5- Check sometimes
It is important to check the words sometimes. These repeats in minutes are as precious as a diamond. If you check the most used words, you can speak to related language at an average rate.
6- Learning language with songs, TV, series, and movie
It is the most exciting method for all of us I guess. You can listen to your favorite song or movie. We all know that success is high when you do something with love.
So, catching a word permanently from these activities is much more simple. Such a great method for learning a language!
7- Memorizing a language with cards
Writing a word and reminding words of it into a small piece of paper. So, it will be helpful to write your targeted word on a side, reminding word on the other side. Word cards might be the most known method in history!
8- Often usage of the word
Using exhibit, demonstrate, display in speaking and writing instead of using show which is the equivalent of them and one of the first memorized words in English.
This method is as same as the synonym method written above.
The Dance group showed fine examples of the Anatolia tradition on stage.
The Dance group demonstrated fine examples of the Anatolia tradition on stage.
9- Learning the word with reminding Picture
It is more effective to get a word with numerous senses. Try to read the word with a reminding picture. You are going to see that you are more successful at memorizing a word.
Flourish: Büyümek, serpilmek
You memorize a couple of words but you just remember ten words of them. So, what is the problem?
The human brain has two types of recollection: Short and long term memories. Short term memory provides you to remember information in 15 – 30 minutes. Then, the brain stops remembering when you don’t use the info. Then, How can we clarify our brain that we need to have these words? Do you remember the dog of Pavlov in psychology?
The dog starts to produce salvia when the light turns on. It becomes possible after 5-10 times try. If you give up feeding the dog after turning on the light, the connection between lamp and food is destroyed and stop producing salvia.
So, how many repeats do we need to pass from short term memory to a long one?
German psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus gives a couple of footprint about the subject. According to his statistics, We forget if we don’t keep repeating. Only remembering %60 of total words that we learn in the first 20 minutes. In an hour, half of the knowledge goes far away. Keep forgetting and only %20 is left behind on the 3rd day. So, we couldn’t remember the words, even when we miss repeating for once.
The answer is quite clear that we need to repeat all the time! The words you learn can be used in daily dialogues, creating new stories or leaving a couple of minutes to check word cards on your smartphone so that you don’t waste your time in vain.
We suggest you do a practice plan written below;
+ 10-15 minutes after learning new words
+ 50-60 minutes later
+ Tomorrow
+ 3 days later